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How to Winterize a Trampoline

on September 13, 2023

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As the colder months approach, it's important to take steps to protect your outdoor trampoline from the harsh winter conditions. Winterizing your trampoline not only ensures its longevity but also maintains its safety for the upcoming season. This guide will walk you through the process of properly winterizing your trampoline, so it's well-prepared to weather the winter and ready for use when spring arrives.

Gather Necessary Supplies

Before you begin the winterization process, gather all the supplies you'll need. You'll require a trampoline cover, bungee cords or tie-down kits, cleaning materials, and potentially a broom or snow shovel. It's crucial to use high-quality supplies to ensure effective protection for your trampoline throughout the winter.

Choose the Right Location

Selecting an appropriate location for winterizing your trampoline is essential. Opt for a sheltered spot away from strong winds and direct sunlight. If possible, choose a flat surface to prevent unnecessary stress on the trampoline's springs and frames.

Clean and Inspect

Start by thoroughly cleaning your trampoline. Clear away any debris, leaves, or dirt that may have gathered. Cleaning not only keeps your trampoline looking good but also prevents mold or mildew growth during the colder months. While cleaning, take the time to inspect your trampoline for any signs of damage that might require attention before winter.

Remove Detachable Components

Trampolines often have components that can be detached, such as safety nets and spring pads. Before winter arrives, carefully remove these components and store them in a dry place. This not only extends their lifespan but also prevents potential damage from winter weather.

Secure the Frame and Springs

Properly securing the trampoline's frame and springs is a crucial step in the winterization process. Use bungee cords or tie-down kits to fasten the trampoline securely to the ground. The objective is to evenly distribute tension to prevent any parts from lifting during strong winter winds.

Apply a Trampoline Cover

A trampoline cover serves as a shield, protecting your equipment from snow, ice, and debris. When applying the cover, ensure it's snugly fitted and securely fastened with bungee cords or straps. This prevents the cover from being blown away and maintains your trampoline's protection throughout the winter.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Winterizing your trampoline doesn't mean neglecting it until spring. Regular maintenance checks are still crucial. Periodically remove accumulated snow and ice from the trampoline cover to prevent excess weight and stress on the frame. Also, conduct quick inspections to ensure all fastenings are secure and the cover is properly in place.

Preparing for Spring

As spring arrives, it's time to reverse the winterization process. Remove the trampoline cover, reattach any detachable components, and inspect the frame and springs for signs of damage. Give your trampoline a thorough cleaning to remove any winter residue and ensure it's ready for another season of bouncing fun.

Can You Use a Trampoline in the Winter?

Many wonder if it's safe to use a trampoline during the winter months. While trampolining can be enjoyable year-round, it's important to consider the weather conditions. Using a trampoline in the winter can be risky due to slippery surfaces, ice, and the potential for injury from hard landings. It's generally recommended to refrain from trampolining during icy or extremely cold weather.

Trampoline Care in Winter

Proper trampoline care during the winter months involves more than just covering it up. Taking steps to secure the trampoline, remove detachable components, and prevent snow accumulation are all essential aspects of winter care. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your trampoline remains in good condition and ready for use when the weather improves.

What to Do With Trampoline in Winter

During the winter, it's advisable to take precautions to protect your trampoline. This includes securing it with bungee cords, removing detachable components, and using a high-quality cover to shield it from the elements. By following these steps, you can ensure your trampoline's longevity and safety.

How to Store Trampoline in Winter

Storing a trampoline in winter involves proper preparation and protection. From removing detachable components to securing the frame, taking these measures will safeguard your trampoline from winter damage. Additionally, a durable trampoline cover will shield it from snow, ice, and debris. Following these storage guidelines will help your trampoline weather the winter months and remain in excellent condition.


Winterizing your trampoline is a responsible way to ensure its longevity and safety. By following these steps and guidelines, you can protect your trampoline from the challenges posed by winter weather. Properly securing your trampoline, removing detachable components, and using a high-quality cover are all integral to maintaining its condition. As spring approaches, you'll be ready to enjoy your trampoline with peace of mind, knowing that you've taken the necessary steps to care for it during the colder months.


Q1: Can I use my trampoline during the winter months?

While it's possible to use a trampoline in the winter, it's generally not recommended due to safety concerns. Icy surfaces and cold weather can increase the risk of injuries from hard landings. It's best to wait for safer weather conditions before resuming trampolining.

Q2: How do I secure my trampoline for the winter?

Securing your trampoline involves using bungee cords or tie-down kits to fasten the frame and springs to the ground. This helps prevent the trampoline from becoming airborne during strong winds. Additionally, removing detachable components and applying a trampoline cover are essential steps to protect it from the elements.

Q3: Do I need to remove all detachable components before winterizing?

Yes, it's advisable to remove all detachable components, such as safety nets and spring pads, before winterizing your trampoline. Storing these components in a dry place prevents damage and extends their lifespan.