How to Make an indoor greenhouse

on October 26, 2023

Indoor greenhouses offer plant enthusiasts an opportunity to grow a wide variety of plants year-round, regardless of external weather conditions. Whether you're interested in cultivating herbs, vegetables, or ornamental plants, an indoor greenhouse can be a fantastic addition to your home. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the process of creating your very own indoor greenhouse.

Materials and Tools You'll Need

Before you begin, gather the necessary materials and tools. Here's a list of what you'll need:

  1. Shelving unit or rack
  2. Transparent plastic or glass panels for covering
  3. Grow lights (LED or fluorescent)
  4. Thermometer and humidity monitor
  5. Seedling trays or pots
  6. Potting mix
  7. Watering cans or misters
  8. Ventilation system (optional)
  9. Temperature control system (optional)

Step 1: Choose the Location

Select a suitable location for your indoor greenhouse. It should receive plenty of indirect sunlight, and be well-ventilated. An area near a south-facing window is ideal. If such a location is unavailable, consider using artificial grow lights to provide the necessary light for plant growth.

Step 2: Assemble the Shelving Unit

Set up your shelving unit or rack in the chosen location. Make sure it is sturdy and can support the weight of your plants, pots, and other equipment. This will serve as the framework for your greenhouse.

Step 3: Cover the Shelving Unit

Use transparent plastic or glass panels to cover the shelving unit. This will create a controlled environment that traps heat and humidity, which is essential for plant growth. Make sure the panels fit securely, leaving no gaps for air to escape.

Step 4: Install Grow Lights

Position your grow lights above the shelves. LED or fluorescent lights are suitable for most indoor greenhouses. Adjust the lights so they are close enough to provide sufficient light to your plants without causing heat stress or burning. The exact height and duration will vary depending on the type of plants you're growing, so follow specific recommendations for your chosen plants.

Step 5: Maintain Optimal Temperature and Humidity

To maintain a stable environment, use a thermometer and humidity monitor. Ensure that the temperature remains within the range suitable for your plants, typically between 70-80°F (21-27°C). You may need to use a heater or cooling system to regulate the temperature.

Maintain the humidity level by misting the plants regularly or by using a humidity tray. A humidity tray is a shallow container filled with water and placed on the shelf to increase the moisture in the air.

Step 6: Plant Your Seeds

Use seedling trays or pots to start your plants. Fill them with a quality potting mix suitable for the plants you intend to grow. Plant your seeds according to their specific requirements for depth and spacing. Label your trays or pots so you can identify your plants as they grow.

Step 7: Water and Monitor

Regularly water your plants, being careful not to overwater or let the soil dry out completely. Monitoring is crucial in an indoor greenhouse. Check for signs of pests, disease, or nutrient deficiencies. Adjust the lighting, temperature, and humidity as needed to promote healthy growth.

Step 8: Ventilation and Additional Equipment (Optional)

Consider installing a ventilation system to ensure proper air circulation. This can help prevent mold, mildew, and pest infestations. Additionally, you may want to invest in a temperature control system, which can help maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels automatically.


Creating your own indoor greenhouse is a rewarding and fulfilling project for any plant enthusiast. With the right materials, a bit of patience, and attention to detail, you can enjoy the benefits of fresh home-grown herbs, vegetables, or ornamental plants year-round. Remember to adapt your indoor greenhouse to the specific needs of the plants you're cultivating and enjoy the beauty and functionality it brings to your home. Happy gardening!