How to jump higher on the trampoline

on September 07, 2023

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When it comes to enjoying the exhilarating bounce of a trampoline, there's something universally appealing about soaring high into the air. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced jumper, increasing your jumping height can add a whole new dimension to your trampoline experience. By focusing on proper technique, strength training, and safety precautions, you can elevate your trampolining skills to new heights.

1. Mastering Proper Technique:

The foundation of a higher jump lies in mastering the right technique. Start by understanding the trampoline's natural elasticity. As you descend, bend your knees and use the trampoline's rebound effect to propel yourself higher. Focus on your body position - keep your core engaged, back straight, and arms slightly forward for balance. Timing is crucial; synchronize your jumps with the trampoline's rebound to maximize height.

2. Strengthen Your Muscles:

Building strength is essential for achieving impressive heights on a trampoline. Concentrate on strengthening your leg muscles, especially the quadriceps and calves. These muscles are instrumental in generating the power needed for high jumps. Incorporate plyometric exercises such as box jumps and squat jumps into your routine to enhance explosive strength. A strong core is equally vital as it improves balance and stability, allowing you to control your movements effectively.

3. Enhance Flexibility and Mobility:

Flexibility and mobility are key to achieving a higher jump. Regular stretching exercises, particularly focusing on the legs, improve your range of motion, enabling more powerful jumps. Additionally, work on mobility exercises to ensure your joints move freely, enhancing your ability to jump and land safely.

4. Balance and Coordination:

Good balance and coordination are fundamental to trampolining. Practice balance exercises like standing on one leg or using balance boards to improve stability. Coordination drills help synchronize your movements, making your jumps more controlled and efficient.

5. Trampoline Safety:

Safety should always be a top priority. Follow trampoline safety guidelines diligently. Jump in the center of the trampoline, avoiding the edges, and ensure the trampoline is in good condition. If you're a beginner or attempting advanced tricks, having a knowledgeable person supervise your practice sessions is invaluable.

6. Skill Development and Professional Guidance:

Delve into learning advanced trampoline tricks and techniques. Mastering specific skills not only adds variety to your jumps but also contributes to higher jumps. Consider taking classes from a professional trampoline coach who can provide personalized guidance and feedback tailored to your abilities and goals.

7. Consistent Practice:

Improving your trampoline jumping height requires consistent practice. Regular sessions dedicated to refining your technique and building strength are essential. Progress may be gradual, but with persistence, you'll notice significant improvements in your jumping height over time.


Reaching new heights on a trampoline is a combination of technique, strength, balance, and dedication. By mastering the proper bounce technique, strengthening your muscles, enhancing flexibility, focusing on balance and coordination, prioritizing safety, and seeking professional guidance, you can elevate your trampolining skills. Remember, with consistent practice and a commitment to safety, you'll be soaring to impressive heights on the trampoline in no time. Happy jumping!


Q1: Are there any age restrictions for trying to jump higher on a trampoline?

Jumping higher on a trampoline can be enjoyed by individuals of various ages. However, it's essential to follow safety guidelines and supervise younger jumpers to ensure they are using the trampoline safely.

Q2: Can I still jump higher on a trampoline if I have physical limitations or injuries?

It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional if you have physical limitations or injuries. Always prioritize your health and well-being.

Q3: How can I measure my progress in jump height?

You can measure your progress by setting markers on a nearby wall and attempting to touch or surpass them during your jumps. Tracking your jumps in a training journal also helps monitor improvements.

Q4: What should I do if my trampoline's bounce feels uneven or weak?

If your trampoline's bounce feels uneven or weak, check for damaged springs, a worn-out mat, or loose parts. Maintenance and occasional replacement of worn components can help restore the trampoline's performance.

Q5: Can I practice jumping higher tips in adverse weather conditions?

It's not advisable to jump on a trampoline in adverse weather conditions like high winds, rain, or snow. Always choose safe weather conditions for your jumping sessions.