How to increase humidity in greenhouse

on October 20, 2023

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Greenhouses provide controlled environments for plants, ensuring they thrive regardless of external weather conditions. However, maintaining optimal humidity levels within a greenhouse is crucial for the health and growth of plants. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods and techniques to increase humidity effectively.

1. Watering Systems: Ensuring Proper Hydration

Implementing efficient watering systems is the first step toward increasing humidity. Drip irrigation systems, misting systems, and capillary mats offer controlled water supply, maintaining soil moisture levels and contributing to the overall humidity inside the greenhouse. These systems not only provide essential hydration to plants but also release moisture into the air.

2. Ventilation and Air Circulation: Enhancing Airflow

Proper ventilation is vital for preventing stagnation and dryness. Automated roof vents and side vents promote cross ventilation, allowing the escape of excess hot air. Additionally, exhaust fans and Horizontal Air Flow (HAF) fans ensure uniform air distribution, eliminating humidity pockets and enhancing overall air quality.

3. Shade Nets: Regulating Sunlight

Shade nets or cloths are effective tools for regulating sunlight and preventing excessive evaporation. By diffusing sunlight, these nets reduce the intensity of heat, allowing plants to retain moisture and maintain higher humidity levels.

4. Humidifiers: Introducing Artificial Moisture

Humidifiers are indispensable in greenhouses, especially in regions with naturally low humidity. Ultrasonic and evaporative humidifiers emit fine water vapor, significantly increasing humidity. These devices are equipped with advanced sensors and automation, ensuring precise control of humidity levels based on real-time data.

5. Cooling Systems: Managing Temperature and Humidity

Cooling systems such as cooling pads and fogging systems play a dual role by cooling the greenhouse environment and increasing humidity simultaneously. Cooling pads, when soaked with water, cool the incoming air while releasing moisture. Fogging systems, driven by high-pressure pumps, create a fine mist that both cools the air and raises humidity levels.

6. Mulching: Retaining Soil Moisture

Mulching involves covering the soil with organic materials like straw or wood chips. This protective layer retains soil moisture, reducing evaporation and increasing the overall humidity within the greenhouse. Mulching also helps in preventing weed growth, conserving water, and maintaining stable soil temperatures.

7. Plants Selection: Choosing Humidity-Loving Plants

Careful selection of plants can naturally contribute to higher humidity levels. Plants such as ferns and certain tropical species release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration. Including these humidity-loving plants in your greenhouse not only enhances the overall aesthetics but also helps in maintaining a humid environment.

8. Water Management and Natural Elements: Smart Strategies

Water barrels strategically placed inside the greenhouse gradually release moisture as they evaporate. Additionally, incorporating wet walls constructed with moisture-retaining materials and small water features like ponds or fountains can significantly elevate humidity levels. These natural elements harmonize with the greenhouse environment, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality.

9. Monitoring and Automation: Data-Driven Precision

Incorporating humidity sensors and automated systems is essential for maintaining optimal conditions. Humidity sensors provide real-time data, allowing growers to monitor fluctuations and make necessary adjustments promptly. Automated controllers regulate watering, ventilation, and humidification processes based on sensor readings, ensuring a consistent and ideal environment for plant growth.


Increasing humidity in a greenhouse demands a holistic approach, integrating advanced technologies and natural elements. By incorporating efficient watering systems, ventilation methods, cooling systems, and careful plant selection, along with automated monitoring and control systems, growers can create an ideal environment for their plants to flourish. Implementing these strategies not only enhances the quality and yield of crops but also ensures a sustainable and thriving greenhouse ecosystem. Stay updated with the latest advancements and reliable practices to keep your greenhouse at its best, nurturing healthy and vibrant plants year-round.