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Games to Play on the Trampoline

on September 07, 2023

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Trampolines aren't just for bouncing; they're also fantastic platforms for a wide array of fun and engaging games. Whether you're a child or an adult, playing games on the trampoline can be an exhilarating experience that combines physical activity with entertainment. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best games to play on the trampoline, ensuring that your bouncing adventures are filled with laughter and excitement.

Best Games for the Trampoline

Classic Trampoline Games

1. Bounce Catch: A Timeless Favorite

Bounce Catch is a classic trampoline game that's stood the test of time. One person takes on the role of the "bouncer" while others surround the trampoline. The bouncer's mission is to bounce a soft ball or beanbag to the players outside, who try to catch it and toss it back. The challenge is to keep the ball moving without letting it touch the trampoline mat.

2. Crack the Egg: An Egg-citing Challenge

Crack the Egg is a delightful trampoline game that adds a touch of humor to your bouncing adventure. In this game, one player, known as "the egg," curls up tightly in the center of the trampoline. The other players, aptly named "the jumpers," aim to bounce the egg out of its curled-up position. The egg's task is to stay curled up as long as possible easier said than done!

3. Around the World: A Competitive Bouncing Extravaganza

Around the World is a competitive trampoline game that tests your jumping prowess. Each player takes turns performing specific tricks or jumps on the trampoline. Successfully completing their turn allows them to choose the next challenge for the group. The game continues until someone falters in executing the chosen move, making it a thrilling test of skill.

Creative Trampoline Games

1. Trampoline Basketball: Slam Dunk Fun

Trampoline Basketball fuses the joy of bouncing with the thrill of shooting hoops. Set up a mini basketball hoop with a softball on one side of the trampoline. Players take turns bouncing and trying to make baskets. You can even keep score and compete to see who can rack up the most points with their impressive slam dunks.

2. Trampoline Dodgeball: A Bouncing Twist on a Classic

Trampoline Dodgeball injects a heart-pounding twist into the traditional dodgeball game. Players take to the trampoline, bouncing away from softballs hurled by their opponents. If a ball connects with you, you're out of the game. 

3. Simon Says: A Trampoline Twist on a Classic

Simon Says is a classic game with a trampoline twist. One player, designated as "Simon," issues commands to the other players, such as "Simon says bounce on one foot" or "Simon says touch your toes." The catch? Players should only follow the command if it begins with "Simon says." If Simon gives a command without the introductory "Simon says," anyone who follows the command is eliminated a game of memory and reflexes!

Competitive Trampoline Games

1. Trampoline Volleyball: Airborne Athleticism

Trampoline Volleyball combines the thrill of volleyball with the added challenge of bouncing. Set up a volleyball net above the trampoline, and teams of two or more players compete to bounce the ball over the net. The opposing team's task is to return the ball without letting it touch their trampoline. The first team to reach a predetermined score emerges victorious in this high-flying game.

2. Last Jumper Standing: A Test of Timing

Last Jumper Standing is a trampoline adaptation of the classic musical chairs. The game starts with one person serving as the "controller" standing outside the trampoline. When the controller yells "Stop!" all jumpers must freeze in mid-air. The controller's mission is to catch any jumpers still in motion and eliminate them. The last person bouncing secures the win in this exciting test of timing and agility.

3. Trampoline H.O.R.S.E.: Putting a Twist on a Classic

Trampoline H.O.R.S.E. offers a fresh take on the traditional basketball game by incorporating trampoline tricks. One player starts by performing a jump or trick on the trampoline. The other player must replicate the move precisely. If they fail, they receive a letter, starting with "H." The game unfolds until one player spells out "H.O.R.S.E.," adding an exciting twist to the traditional game.

Educational Trampoline Games

1. Math Bounce: Math Meets Movement

Math Bounce combines physical activity with math practice, making it an ideal educational game. In this game, the "quizmaster" poses math questions, and players must bounce a specific number of times corresponding to the answer. For instance, if the question is "What's 6 x 3?" the correct answer is 18, prompting players to bounce 18 times a fun way to reinforce math skills.

2. Spelling Jump: A Fun Way to Practice Spelling

Spelling Jump offers a creative approach to spelling practice. One person calls out a word, and the jumper spells it out by bouncing on the trampoline. For instance, if the word is "apple," the jumper bounces once for "A," twice for "P," and so on. It's an engaging way for kids to enhance their spelling skills while enjoying physical activity.

3. Geography Leap: Discovering the World Through Bouncing

Geography Leap transforms learning about countries and their capitals into an interactive and enjoyable game. One player announces a country, and the jumper must respond with the capital city's name while bouncing on the trampoline. For example, if the country is "France," the correct answer is "Paris." Geography Leap offers an entertaining way to reinforce geographical knowledge while bouncing away.

Games with the Trampoline

1. Trampoline Basketball: Slam Dunk Fun

Trampoline Basketball combines the joy of bouncing with the excitement of shooting hoops. Set up a mini basketball hoop with a softball on one side of the trampoline. Players take turns bouncing and attempting to make baskets. You can even keep score and compete to see who can score the most points with their impressive slam dunks.

2. Trampoline Dodgeball: A Bouncing Twist on a Classic

Trampoline Dodgeball adds an exciting twist to the traditional dodgeball game. Players jump on the trampoline, using it to dodge soft balls hurled by their opponents. If a ball hits you, you're out of the game. The goal is to be the last person bouncing on the trampoline to claim victory.

3. Simon Says: A Trampoline Twist on a Classic

Simon Says is a classic game with a trampoline twist. One player, designated as "Simon," issues commands to the other players, such as "Simon says bounce on one foot" or "Simon says touch your toes." The catch is that players should only follow the command if it begins with "Simon says." If Simon gives a command without the introductory "Simon says," anyone who follows the command is eliminated – a game of memory and reflexes.

Trampoline Games to Play

1. Trampoline Volleyball: Airborne Athleticism

Trampoline Volleyball combines the thrill of volleyball with the added challenge of bouncing. Set up a volleyball net above the trampoline, and teams of two or more players compete to bounce the ball over the net. The opposing team's task is to return the ball without letting it touch their trampoline. The first team to reach a predetermined score wins this high-flying game.

2. Last Jumper Standing: A Test of Timing

Last Jumper Standing is a trampoline adaptation of the classic musical chairs. The game begins with one person serving as the "controller" standing outside the trampoline. The controller shouts "Jump!" and everyone on the trampoline springs into action. When the controller yells "Stop!" all jumpers must freeze in mid-air. The controller's mission is to catch any jumpers still in motion and eliminate them. The last person bouncing secures the win in this exciting test of timing and agility.

3. Trampoline H.O.R.S.E.: Putting a Twist on a Classic

Trampoline H.O.R.S.E. adds a unique twist to the traditional basketball game by incorporating trampoline tricks. One player starts by performing a jump or trick on the trampoline. The other player must replicate the move precisely. If they fail, they receive a letter, starting with "H." The game unfolds until one player spells out "H.O.R.S.E.," adding an exciting twist to the traditional game.

Safety First

Before embarking on any trampoline games, safety should be your foremost concern. Ensure that your trampoline is in excellent condition, with no tears or damage to the mat or springs. It's vital to establish clear ground rules, such as limiting the number of players on the trampoline at once and supervising younger jumpers to prevent accidents. By prioritizing safety, you can enjoy these trampoline games to the fullest while minimizing risks.


Q1: Are these trampoline games suitable for all ages?

Most of these trampoline games are versatile and can be adapted for different age groups. However, it's essential to consider safety and supervision, especially when younger children are involved. Some games, like Bounce Catch, are suitable for all ages, while others, such as Trampoline Dodgeball, may require more caution and are better suited for older participants.

Q2: Can I play these trampoline games indoors?

While trampolines are typically outdoor equipment, some smaller indoor trampolines are suitable for indoor play. However, indoor trampolines are generally smaller and have lower weight capacities, so you may need to modify the games to fit the available space and equipment.

Q3: Can these games be played competitively?

Many of these trampoline games can be played competitively, especially when you keep score or have specific challenges. Games like Trampoline H.O.R.S.E. are inherently competitive as players try to outdo each other with tricks. However, you can adapt the level of competitiveness to suit the players' preferences and skill levels.

Q10: Can I create my trampoline game?

Absolutely! These games are meant to spark creativity and enjoyment. Feel free to invent your own trampoline games or modify existing ones to suit your preferences. The key is to prioritize safety and ensure that all participants have a fantastic and safe time.